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10 diabetes superfoods to supercharge your diet

Many foods are on the good-for-you list, but did you know that the American Diabetes Association identified 10 “Superfoods” that offer an extra health boost for people with diabetes? Add a few of these superfoods to your plate every day for an extra boost of calcium, potassium, fibre, magnesium, omega-3 and vitamins A, C and E.

1. Beans

Did you know only a half cup of cooked black beans fulfills 20 to 30% of your daily fibre requirement? That same amount packs as much protein as 28 grams of meat! Plus, beans are a good source of magnesium and potassium. Try savory black beans in your slow cooker. 

2. Dark green, leafy vegetables

Kale, spinach, broccoli, bok choy, mustard greens and even Brussels sprouts…this colourful list could go on. Whether they’re roasted, boiled, juiced, sautéed or eaten raw, you’ll get a powerful dose of fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals with hardly any calories or carbs.See how to make kale avocado and pomegranate salad  (

3. Citrus fruit

Orange, lemon, lime, tangerine, kumquat, citron, clementine and grapefruit are known for their generous amounts of vitamin C and fibre. They’re also versatile. You can eat them fresh, use them in sauces, liven up your juice or water, or squeeze citrus directly on food for extra zing. Whip up this citrus salad with ginger-lime dressing.

4. Sweet potatoes

Trade your white potatoes for sweet potatoes and you’ll get a lot of healthy fibre, antioxidants and vitamin A. Keep the skins on for extra fibre. See how easy it is to make savory sweet potato fries everyone will love. 

5. Berries

These tiny little fruits are powerful friends to have in your fridge, thanks to the antioxidants, fibre and vitamins they carry. Açaí, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, goji and currants are available in most markets, and they all taste great in smoothies, on your waffles or by themselves. Make a simple and amazing mixed berry crisp.

6. Tomatoes

Like citrus, tomatoes are the star of practically any dish they join. In sauces or salads, stuffed or roasted, they’re an amazing, low-carb source of vitamins C and E and iron. See how to make these savory crunchy grilled tomatoes with zucchini. 

7. Salmon

Any fish high in omega-3 fatty acids is a superfood, but salmon is the most common. Other excellent options include mackerel, fresh tuna, lake trout and herring. Omega-3s do many great things for your body like lowering triglycerides, lowering blood pressure and reducing inflammation. Salmon is a heart-healthy omega-3-packed source for “good fat.” Check out this recipe for perfect baked salmon.

8. Whole grains

The reason white bread, flour and rice are less healthy is because the germ and the bran of their grains have been stripped away, leaving only the sugary starch. But the germ and the bran contain all the healthy stuff (like folate, omega-3s, magnesium, chromium, fibre and potassium). Some great choices for eating whole grains include oatmeal, popcorn, brown rice, wild rice, millet and quinoa. See how easy it is to make a colourful quinoa salad.

9. Nuts

A handful of raw nuts is quite possibly the perfect snack. They’re full of healthy fats and fibre, and your options are seemingly endless. Stay away from the processed, sugared and heavily-salted kind and just eat them raw or lightly toasted. They’re great on salads, crushed into marinades or churned into healthy nut butters. See how nuts make everything better in this sweet potato soup with toasted pecans.

10. Dairy

Yes, dairy is a good way to get calcium, but it’s also an important source of vitamin D. Yoghurt, in particular, can have the added benefit of probiotic bacteria that keeps your intestines healthy and helps your immune system. Make sure to stay away from brands with added sugar and instead choose natural yoghurts that are low-fat and have less than 15 grams of sugar per serving. See how yoghurt turns this 7-layer dip into a healthy treat for everyone. 

For more ideas on healthy ways to supercharge your diet, check out this Great list list of 30 superfood recipes.


American Diabetes Association. Diabetes Superfoods [Internet]. Reviewed 2015 Feb 2; Edited 2017 Oct 11 [cited 2018 Jan 4]. Arlington, Virginia. Available from Larson H. Ways to Boost Fiber. [Internet]. 2017 Sep 5 [cited 2018 Jan 4]. Oxford, Ohio. Available from Ehrlich S. Omega-3 fatty acids, supplement. Complementary and alternative medicine guide [Internet]. University of Maryland Medical Center. Reviewed 2015 Aug 2 [cited 2018 Jan 4]. Baltimore, Maryland. Available from Ware M. Yogurt: Types, health benefits, and risks [Internet]. Medical News Today. 2017 June [cited 2018 Jan 4]. Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England. Available from


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